Monday, October 29, 2012

It's a BOY!

After what seemed like months of eager anticipation, on Thursday, Oct. 25th, we FINALLY drove down to our 19 week appointment for our anatomy sonogram.  Neither Jefforey, nor I, slept very much on Wednesday night.  We were too excited to see our baby again, and at last be able to call him or her by his or her proper pronoun!  We were so ready to find out, but mostly to see that he or she was healthy!

Apparently, one of my last photos did not look very accurate because I was wearing a loose sweater... so upon request, here's the bump at 19 weeks:

In my anxiety, I scheduled a CRAZY work week-- appointment after appointment-- to prevent the week from dragging by.  I even scheduled a meeting in Birmingham right before our appointment to keep my mind off the ultrasound!  Sweet Jefforey kindly drove to my sponsorship request meeting and waited "patiently"!   Finally, we arrived in the St. Vincent's parking deck where we snapped this fun gender reveal shot-- pink or blue?!
We got to go right back to the Ultrasound waiting area and got called in (by my favorite tech) a few minutes later.  Thankfully, we didn't have to wait long to see that sweet baby.  Everything looked good! Praise the Lord.  He showed us his 10 fingers, 10 toes, functioning 4 chamber heart, all critical organs appeared to be in working order.  It was absolutely amazing.  I couldn't stop smiling, and neither could Jefforey.  It is a priceless memory!  We didn't find out the sex right away... but it wasn't long before he got over his modesty and started "showing his stuff."   He did NOT want to be mistaken for a girl.  He proudly placed his little hiney directly onto the ultrasound wand and spread 'em :)  (multiple times).  Jefforey joked that he obviously got his modesty from his mother.  We are lucky to have found him in a very "awake state."  He was flipping all over the place!  At one point, he even flexed his left arm muscle, to which Jefforey and I both almost shouted!  "It's a sign!  He is going to be left least for sports!" :)  He really did look like a little athlete in training in there-he was doing crunches, flexing his guns, standing on his head, stretching his calves.  I'm telling you- he is already in training!  Obviously, a little phenom in waiting!  You can go ahead and put him on the watch list for the 2030 Olympics :)

 I planned to let a select few family and friends know before going to our scheduled gender reveal dinner at the Seales's home.  However, as we were wrapping up the appointment, my cell phone died.  Talk about horrendous timing!  The phone was SO dead, in fact, that it took almost an hour to charge enough to turn back on.  I had several really funny texts from anxious friends when it finally turned back on.  Sorry to have worried everyone!!  I was so honored and overwhelmed to see how many people cared to find out about Baby Morgan.  It was so much fun!!    I sent the picture below to my family and my "baby updates" group on my phone.  I later learned that my new text group didn't work out very well... I felt awful that some dear friends thought they were left out!  Again... sorry about that!  We will get it fixed!
It's a BOY!
We went by to tell my old co-workers the exciting news and show off our 24 photos that St. Vincent's gave us!  Then, we headed to Calera to have dinner with our old home group family.   I was so grateful that Jason and Alicia cooked for us and had most of the crew together again... just like old times.  Erin even bought some really cute gender-reveal props, and we took a couple of cute pictures with everyone's guesses.
After the guesses, we left the room and came back like THIS...
And, of course, showed off our boy through his first photos all over again! 
Loved seeing him sucking that little thumb!
We have really enjoyed the past few days-- sharing the news with everyone and showing of the photos.  I had a suspicion all along that he was a he :)  I'm so thankful he looks to be healthy and strong.  I praise God for allowing us the technology to see this amazing process.  I have a new appreciation for this verse.... just incredible.

Psalm 139:13- "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb."

The most common question so far:  Do you have a name picked out?
Yes-- Trace Parker Morgan!

Jefforey is actually Jefforey Allen Morgan, Jr.  so our son would be a third.  Instead of using "Jefforey Allen Morgan, III" and calling him "Trace (for tres)" -- we just wanted to simply and NAME him Trace!  And Parker is my Granny Nita's maiden name... one that most people called her, by the way.  I have every intention of calling him by both names-- Trace Parker, BUT there's a bit of debate about that in our house at the moment :)

Jefforey is still on cloud nine, as am I.  Every now and then, one of us will just float around with a goofy grin on our face and say "we're having a BOY!" Oh what BIG dreams we have for you, little buddy!  Whatever it is that you decide you want to do, we support you as long as you do it for the Lord... not for us!  I know God has big plans for you!

We are so thankful God chose us to bring Trace Parker into this world, and we're counting down the days until March 24th (or 21st, or 26th... whatever day he decides to come!)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Ramblings-- A Disclaimer about This Blog

If you know me at all, you know that I was born with LOTS of opinions.  Not saying that is good, bad or otherwise, but it is certainly the truth.  Generally, I have opinions about EVERYTHING.  Lots of which, I am not even remotely educated enough about to qualify my thoughts as an opinion, but that's never stopped me from sharing those opinions!  When I started this blog, I thought I would share my thoughts about politics, sports, world events, books, random things I find entertaining to help enlighten any of my friends who choose to read my thoughts on what I enjoyed.  Apparently, I have re-evaluated that purpose, and I felt that this blog needed a disclaimer!

I was just looking back over this blog and getting kind of tickled at myself.  I usually would be whining about how bad Auburn Football is this year, ranting about the Presidential Debates, whining about how badly the Braves play in the post-season EVERY year, raving about one of the young adult series I couldn't put down... None of that stuff really matters to me this year, surprisingly!  I think I'm just happy to be in baby mode, and trying to stay remotely even-keel with my usual emotional rollercoaster, so I'm avoiding controversial conversations.... very unlike me.  I'm afraid I'm becoming boring!!  This blog is really quite sad.... written for me, by me with no one else  in mind in the least!  My apologies people.. I hate to be so self absorbed!  So Here's My Official Blog Disclaimer:  

This blog has really just been my online journal.  A way to open up to anyone who might be interested in reading!  But sheesh! It's not even entertaining!! I really should work on this.  I don't want to become bland!  Is that what happens when you have babies?!  You mellow out?!

What this blog is:
  • A safe place to share and understand emotions.  That's what I do!  Please know that you are welcome to do the same.
  • A place to share what God is doing in my life with anyone that may care to read!
What this blog isn't:
  • Informative
  • Well-written
  • Structured
  • About any particular subject matter... who knows what you're going to get other than a big ole batch of my feelings!
What this blog might become:
  • A book review one day, a uneducated political rant the next!
  • A photo album of my soon-to-be child!
  • Completely obsolete!

So I am asking myself, why in the world do this whole blogging thing if I'm not doing it to make a difference for other people?  Well, darn it! I have learned that I actually enjoy putting my thoughts and feelings on "paper."  If I feel like I might want to share that with someone sometime...I suppose I can!  But if, by chance, you have wandered here somehow in search of some sort of expertise on life, love or fill in the blank for the subject of your choice.... I wanted you to know, you're probably not in the right place!

Otherwise, happy reading :)  just remember-- I didn't do this for you, bless your heart. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Stop and Smell...errr...READ about the roses!

So, for the past month I have been working hard core and pretty much NON-STOP on a federal grant project.  We (at Hospice of Marshall County) are attempting to create a Palliative Care Alliance in Marshall County, and I am super pumped about the opportunity to work on something that hits so close to home.  This program would provide non-hospice comfort care to patients diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, but not yet appropriate for hospice care, or not yet ready to stop receiving disease-altering medications.  My Granddaddy could have really benefited from such a program, and I am now part of an organization trying to get one. It is really cool and affirming that I am exactly where I am supposed to be in terms of my career choices.

With all that said... I estimate that I've spent about 200 hours in the past month (At least 85 in the past week!) researching and writing this grant.  It has been CRAZY! And if you know me, you know that I don't sit still very well.  So sitting at my computer focusing on one task for 200 hours was a stretch!  I was out of my comfort zone for sure.  But, I discovered a ton of helpful information about these programs, which I am super passionate about.  And I discovered some new things about myself as well.  For instance, 17 weeks is NOT too early for your feet to swell, even if you don't look "that" pregnant yet.  Who knew?!  After sitting up at my computer for about 14 hours on Thursday (in the same position), I looked down on Friday morning and noticed that my right foot and ankle were GINORMOUS!    I decided it was time for some changes!  After all, according an article on the livestrong website, "An online journal article of the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that prenatal stress and anxiety is predictive of certain illnesses and the use of antibiotics after birth. This underscores conventional wisdom that pregnant women should make time for rest and activities that promote peace and relaxation.  "So during a pretty stressful week, I thought it was time that I started thinking about implementing some techniques for relaxation.  You know me-- I have to plan to relax :)

According to Baby Center-- your baby develops a sense of hearing at week 17.  So, Jefforey and I decided it was time to start reading to our baby!  We have heard of many benefits of reading in utero, and while they may all be a big pile of hooey, we love to read aloud together anyway.  So we figure, what's the harm?! 

Not to mention, "A 2008 study from Johns Hopkins University and published on the National Institutes of Health site reports that a fetus responds with beneficial signs in its heart rhythm when a mother experiences induced relaxation. It is unknown how, if at all, a baby in utero benefits from attempts to enrich her through reading, talking and singing."  Read more here.

I will say, even if we don't pop out a child who is automatically enrolled in Mensa upon issuance of his birth certificate-- reading to the baby has proven to be very relaxing and a positive bonding experience for us.  Like every subject, there is a lot of info available online-- event teaching you How to Read to Your Baby inside the womb in case you might be interested!

By the way-- only 9 more days until we know if we're having a boy or girl!  Any predictions?  I finally broke down and took a Gender Predictor Quiz.  It confirmed my thoughts-- we will have a Trace Parker Morgan!  We shall see on Oct. 25th (hopefully)!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dear Sweet Baby: A Letter to My Unborn Child

Dear Sweet Baby,

We have known that you were going to be a part of our lives for almost 3 months now, but yet... somehow it is just becoming real.  Maybe it is that tiny fluttering I can feel when I get really still and concentrate (especially when your daddy talks to you, I feel you stirring!), or less satisfyingly-- the indigestion that has become my constant companion. :)  Either way, there is definitely not a minute that goes by that you aren't on my brain, in my heart and in my prayers.  Any time that my brain has a moment to be blank, it automatically turns wholeheartedly to you-- wondering what you are doing inside my womb, how you are developing, what you will look like, how you will act.  I am not worrying about you (at least, I'm not speaking that...). I am trying REALLY hard to rely on God's mercy and grace, knowing He has a perfect plan for you, little buddy.  Knowing that He is Sovereign, Almighty and forever in control.  He is creating your delicate features-- fearfully and wonderfully!  He is weaving your personality and who you will become.  It amazes me that the God of the Universe takes such intricate care of each of His children.

 Psalm 139:14 (NIV) I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;   your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

I am so thankful for you, Sweet Baby.  I am thankful not only because you are making my lifelong dream of being a mommy come true, but also because you are teaching me to love my Creator, my Savior even more every day.  Because getting to experience your little life is teaching me new things about love and helping me relate to my Heavenly Father in new and different ways. 

 There are so many lessons I want to teach you... countless things I want you to know from this day forward. You are precious to me.  You are loved and adored.   You are important! I want you to be confident in who you are and who you can be in Christ.  

Ephesians 3:12 (NIV)-  In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

  1. You are God's Child- John 1:12
  2. You are Christ's friend- John 15:15
  3. You can be assured that all things will work together for good- Romans 8:28  
  4. You are God's workmanship- created to serve Him.- Ephesians 2:10
God's promises are much better than the ones you will get from us. While you have my word that I will do my best to never break a promise to you, please understand and remember, Sweet Baby, that I am just a sinner-- just like you will be.  We can't expect each other to be perfect because we live in a fallen world.  But Praise God we can rely on One who is Perfect, whose promises will never fail.  

I cannot pretend that I am not scared.  I am afraid to mess up!  I want to be a perfect mom for you... to always do right by you so your feelings are never hurt by me.  Please never doubt how much I love you.  We want the best for you, little one!  You have brought me so much joy in the past 15-1/2 weeks.  I can't even explain the glow of pure happiness I have displayed since I first found out about you. Things that used to aggravate me, they don't seem to matter any more!  You are a light in our lives, and we love you so very much!

Love with every fiber of my being,
Your Mom