Last year, I was very specific with my resolutions.
1) Figure out what the heck was going on with my body and get the whole IBS madness under control.-- CHECK! I am proud to say I am much better today than I was 1 year ago. Many thanks to a certified natural health practitioner who helped me identify several stressors and food sensitivities (my doctor calls them "baby" food allergies that will unfortunately grow instead of being "grown out of")
2) Stop biting my fingernails. Now I probably didn't specifically say that name of my resolution aloud in public... actually, I know I didn't. For years, I have been positively MORTIFIED by this disgusting habit. True to form, I justified my habit as "messing with my nails" because that sounded so much more distinguished, right? ha! It was gross, and I did it without realizing it. But in 2011, thank GOD I kicked the habit. I have worked really hard to make my nails look a little more lady-like. They still aren't great, but those who know me... you know this is definitely progress worth celebrating!

I resolve to.... do the little things I enjoy more. (and NOT feel guilty about these little "guilty" pleasures)
READING AND WRITING are tops on my list. I have made strides on these two objectives/resolutions. I think I have read 8.5 books since January 1st. I find that I am happier when I am reading than almost anything else. I'm a book nerd to the extreme. I absolutely LOVE young adult novels, and I'm not going to be ashamed to admit it. I don't feel the need to impress you with my classical appreciation of literature because frankly-- I don't have any. I like all the stuff written for 13 year olds because a) it makes me happy! Generally, the good guys win... bad guys lose. We could ALL use a little more fantasy in our lives. The real world is tough enough. I am tired of feeling like I need to be reading more of ____ (fill in the blank with your reputable or ambitious literature). In 2012, I will not sneak ashamedly to the Junior reader section of the bookstore or library, but I will WALTZ with a skip in my step fully embracing my inner tween to a world that obviously doesn't exist unless that book is open. I love a good series, but I feel like I've read them all. I know there are good ones left. Please feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section.
Ahh, which brings me to my next point. I believe that I might be able to actually have followers of this blog to give me suggestions and comments IF I updated it more than once a year! Busy, Shcmizzy! I have to find time to write again. I really enjoy it! Whether or not it is worth anyone else's time... not up to me! I have a desire to write something that makes people laugh, cry and FEEL the emotions that I feel when reading something great! I would love for God to use me in that way one day, but what in the world am I doing about it today? Currently, I'm sitting around thinking about it a lot. I say this a lot, but it's really true... people can't really tell when you think about them. I'm not saying it's a waste to think... I enjoy it! But this little extrovert needs to process aloud or on page to even understand what she is thinking. So why don't I write more? I had this same conversation with myself 2-1/2 years ago. I'm tired of talking... I'm going to start blogging more consistently....for real this time. I'm afraid to say what that means exactly, but more than twice a year. At least once a month :) hopefully getting into a rhythm of once a week minimum.
I resolve to... Be a better wife (the home-maker kind).
I am also proud to say I have definitely made progress on this front. I am NOT my sister, by any stretch of the imagination. Nor, am I going to feel guilty about God creating me just the way I am. BUT -- one day, I hope God allows us to have children. And if/when that day comes... I don't want them to be forced to eat the junk we have been eating for the past 4 years. My husband can cook. He used to out of necessity because I am a workaholic, and if he wanted to eat before he went to bed... he had to cook. Sad truth. I am working on it. This year, I have made a life-changing discovery in the Morgan household-- Crock Pot Girls! I have learned that I actually ENJOY cooking things for other people-- just not cooking for myself out of necessity. I hate to cook when I'm starving. I end up short-cutting everything or going to 1 of 3 stand-by recipes that used to be the only 3 in my arsenal. Now, thanks to the Crock-Pot Girls website, we honestly have had something different every night for a month! It's quick, easy and PERFECT for working women. Try it. You'll thank me!
I resolve to... wake up earlier. (at least on working days)
I am NOT a morning person by nature. But I also do not feel like I have enough hours in the day, which posed an interesting idea-- start the day earlier! So in 2012, I am trying my hardest to wake up earlier than I have in previous years. Generally, I am that girl that rolls out of bed (after hitting snooze at least once and then reading my emails, catching up on twitter, facebook, etc. before the actual "rolling out of bed" part) and rushes like a mad woman to get out the door 15 minutes later than I said I HAD to leave. I came to the realization one day that I am wasting a GINORMOUS amount of time "waking up"-- no mas. So far, I'm doing ok on this one. No one is more surprised than I am!
I resolve to ... be healthier! (without giving up candy or something ridiculous like that)
I have joined Powerhouse gym. I don't know how long it will last because my schedule these days is not exactly conducive to routine (see final resolution), and once baseball season officially starts... this will get even more difficult. BUT, in the 3 month membership while I have it... I am going to use it! I have discovered a love of zumba. It is so much fun!! I am also trying to reduce my dependence on caffeine and drink more water. Also, so far/so good.
I resolve to... ENJOY THE CRAZY RIDE! (in the never-ending hunt for the elusive thing called "balance")
My life is not what I would call "normal" or "settled", and I think I've persistently worn myself out looking for those adjectives! I find it comical that I am looking for more balance in my life because the more I look... the more unbalanced I seem to get. I'm giving this search over to God. He made me the crazy way that I am, and I am resolved to make the most of it. I am so fortunate to get to work from home 2 sometimes 3 days per week doing a job I absolutely LOVE. I do not necessarily love the 3 hours minimum I get to spend in the car each day heading back and forth to and from work. I also have a tendency to work too much. Working from home has provided its own set of unique challenges for a workaholic. When my office is 15 steps from my bed instead of 65-87 miles (depending if you want to travel via interstate)... it is easier to start earlier and finish later while still getting home at the same time. While that is the reality that I must live in some days... I am really trying to do more "other things" (other than work!) in 2012 so I prevent burn out and stay a little saner for the wear. I am going to love more, celebrate the small things and enjoy this beautiful life God has given me with every thing I've got!
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