Friday, March 23, 2012

Freedom Friday- the freedom to THINK

I love Dr. Gina. If you don't listen to her, you should. Her conservative talk radio show (aired on WYDE 101.1 The Source from 4-7 p.m.) has become a new obsession of mine during my 1.5 hour commute. Every Friday, she has "Freedom Friday" on her show to discuss all things "freedom." Since I have decided that I pretty much want to BE her when I grow up, I think I will have the same Freedom Friday theme on my blog. I have lots of political thoughts in my head, and I have no where to share them... so buckle up. Plus, I figure this will help me blog weekly. It may not always be related to politics.. so don't automatically disregard if you aren't a political junkie like I am. :)

Warning: this post contains my advice on how to read an article and navigate the waters of political discourse. I am no genius on this topic by any means. I do not have degrees or certifications to justify the following advice. Although, I have taken a class or two on political communication and have read a few books on it. I find it fascinating... especially the book I read in one of my classes called "How to lie with statistics." I am quite convinced that 24 hour media (I refuse to call it news anymore) might be the cause of our nation's decline. I am writing to vent, but also because I care, and frankly, I am frustrated at how little my generation seems to know, and more importantly CARE, about what I perceive to be the downfall of our society. You know, the whole "boiling frog syndrome"--"people should make themselves aware of gradual change lest they suffer eventual undesirable consequences." (thank you for putting it so concisely, wikipedia)

Dr. Gina's recent article "Sex, lies and Stupidity" articulates my anger toward the lies being spewed from the left on the "war on women." I am so tired of hearing this birth control debate. In case you have been hiding under a rock, you may want to catch up by reading Melinda Henneberger's article or maybe take a glimpse on the other side. I have seen some of my friends post things like "I will never vote for anyone who wants to take away birth control..." implying Rick Santorum would immediately call for a cease and desist on all manufacturing of contraception. As if he would storm into your homes on a white horse and collect condoms, pills and more and place them in a ginormous pile on the white house lawn and set fire to them at his inauguration party.

Lesson #1 for these "snippet only" readers/listeners. Get the whole story and for the love, please consider your sources.
Lesson #2- Please don't be stupid and fall for everything you hear. I'm not asking you to share my beliefs, but only to THINK CRITICALLY for yourself. There are LOTS of political strategists, pundits, "journalists" who make a nice living crafting stories that they think you will buy. Unfortunately, a lot of people are buying without caring to read the labels these days. Our generation is particularly guilty of requiring immediate gratification and taking the easy way out while we are bombarded by more information than we can possibly process. We are a generation hooked to the microwave, the remote or even worse... the DVR scheduler app on our phones, headlines and news tickers. We have so much information available from every angle. Sure... a lot of good things have come from our many conveniences, but a lot of bad habits are developing as well. Like taking someone being paid (handsomely) for their opinion's word as fact and not caring to read into it.

My simplistic take on this debate-- for what it's worth.

I am NOT against birth control. In fact, I've been a big fan for the past 5 years. That is no secret. I do NOT want to pay for your birth control or anyone else's. Honestly, I dislike paying for mine! Someone saying they do not want to PAY for your birth control does not mean that they want to prevent or restrict your access. This is a FINANCIAL debate, but some people are choosing to make it an EMOTIONAL one because they don't want you to think about the money! We cannot afford Obamacare. PERIOD. Think critically. Do you believe that the left is actually concerned about the morality of this issue? No! If you fall victim to that line of is a newsflash: They are USING YOU!!! They over-emotionalize EVERY issue so that YOU will do what they want you to do. Heartstrings are tied tightly around other strings... kind of like a marionette. If anyone tugs enough at issues you care about, you will empty your wallet (or care less when the government does) or take some sort of desired action. It is what it is! In every instance, I would strongly encourage you to sort through the emotion. When all else fails, follow the money trail because that is almost always what every issue is about.

Every time I get on this soap box, I can hear Aaron Tippin singing in the background "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. You've got to be your own man not a puppet on a string.." Sadly, I don't know who wrote that song or even who first said the quote (seems to be some debate between Alex Hamilton, Malcolm X, Peter Marshall, Ginger Rogers... whoever gets credit, it makes a lot of sense!)

If we do not start standing for freedom, for the Constitution-- then America will fall with us when we take a gigantic tumble. Let's stand up for a balanced budget-- not just the politicians that SAY they want one, but will do nothing about it. Let's stand up for our rights-- those God-given and those outlined in the Constitution! Stand up for America and start educating yourself about candidates that you want leading this country. If we aren't actively standing, then we are going to start actively falling.

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