Saturday, April 6, 2013

3 weeks already?!

Trace (with mohawk) and his Daddy

My husband has a great appreciation of music, and he got me hooked on Wayne several years ago.  I CANNOT stop singing their song, "Slow Down" when I look at our little guy...  Especially the chorus...
Pull back the reins and slow this mother down, I'm falling off 
The faster you move the closer to the end And there's a lot that I haven't done
 (because let's be honest... those are really the only words I know anyway. Generally speaking, unless I have sung it on stage at some point in my life.. I probably make up the rest of the lyrics!)

Has it seriously been 3 weeks since my life completely changed forever?!  I can't believe how fast time has flown!

3 quick observations from the first 3 weeks from this sleep-deprived first-timer:

First of all... just want to say THANK YOU to our amazing friends and family!  We have an incredible support system.  I do know how good we've got it. I can't thank you enough for bringing food, calling/texting to check up on us... and most importantly... praying for us in the past few weeks.  My mom has been an absolute God-send in every way..especially coming over to watch Trace and let me sleep a little during the day.  God has been SO good to us!  We are blessed to have each one of you in our lives... thank you for investing in us and showing us God's love!

Trace loves his Granna

2nd- I'm convinced that babies only poop in clean diapers :) And the importance of pee-pee teepees cannot be overstated!  I have been peed on countless times... once in my mouth. All of this could have been prevented if I didn't get cocky and think I could make it quick enough to not need the teepee.   Just use it.  Regardless.  Trust me!

3rd- Life really does change in an instant. Priorities shift.  Entire lifestyles re-focus.  It is unbelievable and indescribable. No matter how frequently you hear this mantra, you really won't understand it until you experience it.

I'm  also writing to share some pictures.  I'm in LOVE with all of the photos that Amber Stricklin took when he was 10 days old.  He has already changed so much.  I hope you enjoy the photos of my handsome little stud muffin (who kind of favors a wrinkly old man).

We have a happy, healthy 3 week old.  He is eating ALL the time-- very hungry, growing boy!  He also sleeps a lot-- as long as someone is holding him ;)...which truthfully, I'm more than happy to oblige. He is a very "active" sleeper-- imagine that, he is my child, after all!  We think he might be dealing with some reflux issues-- a lot of grunting and gagging... poor baby.  Even with the pain he seems to be dealing with-- He is SO snuggly and sweet-- such a good baby, who rarely cries. He is sort of getting over the extreme nocturnal nature he was displaying for the past few weeks. (Praise Jesus!) He is dealing with some baby acne right now, sadly, but apparently that just means his liver is working well... and the breast milk is too!  He already holds his head WAY up for long periods of time, and the little stinker rolls over to his side just about any chance he gets-- he's NOT a fan of laying on his back.
Trace Parker's first Easter- 3 weeks/2 days

Time is going by WAAAY too fast for this momma. He is already too long for some of his newborn clothes, and his face is starting to fill out a little, along with his belly.  He's still got some skinny arms and bird legs, though (which puts him in a very awkward sizing stage!) :) Your prayers are appreciated as I have to leave this munchkin to go back to work in just 3 short weeks :*(  I am not sure how that's even possible at the moment, and my heart is breaking just thinking about it!

Week 1

Week 2

Thanks again for all of your love and support! 

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